First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Are you 21 or older?*
Driver's License Number*
Driver's License State*
Are you interested in adopting a cat or a kitten? If you have a specific pet in mind, please name it.*
Which pet are you interested in? Choose an animal: Bobby-Special Needs Buddy Daisy Doby Gypsy Holmes Houdini Shortcake-Special Needs Turbo
Have you ever owned a pet before?*
Have you ever owned a pet before? Where did you adopt it from?*
Have you ever put an animal up for adoption before? Why?*
Please list all pets that you currently have or have had (for each list the following: Name, Breed/Type, Age, Sex, Where Kept and Why You No Longer Have):*
For the pets listed above, also list if they were fixed, on heartworm preventative, tested for leukemia and if they were declawed:*
Are you getting the animal for yourself or to give as a gift?*
Are all members in your household in agreement on this adoption?*
Will you be able to care for this pet as a dependent for the next 15 to 20 years?*
Will your new pet stay inside, outside or both?
Do you want your new pet to have a litter of kittens?*
Do you want your pet spayed/neutered?*
Do you intend to have your cat declawed? Please choose: none, front paws only, all four paws.*
Do you currently have a veterinarian? If the animal gets sick would you take it to the vet right away? Please provide the Name and Phone Number of the vet.*
What are the names of your current/past pets treated by this vet?*
Do you have a doggy door?*
What if your new kitten/cat scratches or claws at furniture?*
Do you or anyone living in your household have allergies to animals?*
How many children are in your household? Ages?*
If you have children, are you willing to teach your children to be gentle with any animals?*
Do you live in an apartment, house, mobile home, or condo?* Choose one: Apartment Condo House Mobile Home
Do you own or rent?*
Is there a number limit for pets in your present location?*
How long have you lived in the present location? Do you live with your parents?*
Do you plan to move soon? Do you have a new address yet?*
Are you a student?*
Do you or any member of your household have a full-time job? Where?*
Where will the pet stay while you are at work? Where will you keep the cat when you are home?*
Do you have the spare time in your day or evening to spend attending to your pet?*
Are you able to afford the basic health care costs (annual shots, yearly check-ups, emergency, bloodwork, dental, etc.)?*
Do you travel frequently?*
Who will care for your pet when you are away?*
In case of emergency or death who will care for the animal(s)?*
Would you be willing for a Purrfect Cats representative to visit your home?*
Do you agree to abide by Purrfect Cats requirements to return the pet directly to us if you cannot keep it and to notify us if it is lost or dies?*
Where would your new cat sleep at night? Where would your new cat be kept when you are not at home?*
Please feel free to add any comments or to list more pets below.
By checking this box, you certify that the information you have entered above is accurate and truthful.
Check this box if you do not want to receive future Purrfect Cats information.