Shortcake is a female black and white cat approximately 3 to 4 years old. She is tested for fiv/leukemia, spayed and current on all shots. She is very friendly, super playful and good with other cats. She is a special needs cat. I rescued her and found that her tail was dead and needed to be amputated. We think she had what they call a pulled tail injury. Her right paw has been broken but was heeled and poses no problem for her. While she was having tail surgery the vet discovered that she was spayed. She recovered well from surgery. She has been to a neurologist and unfortunately confirmed to be incontinent. She is not on any medication and does not need to be expressed. She does use the litterbox occasionally. Always jumping in and out of litterbox with some success. We are looking for a good home that can provide a safe outdoor space for her or a catio!
More about Shortcake-Special Needs
Good with Cats, Good with Kids
Other Pictures of Shortcake-Special Needs (click to see larger version):
Currently we do not know if Shortcake-Special Needs will be able to attend the event, The Highlands Petsmart on Saturday, January 11th, 2025.
Currently we do not know if Shortcake-Special Needs will be able to attend the event, The Highlands Petsmart on Sunday, January 12th, 2025.